Pricing | GDPR Compliance

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Features Highlights

Rapid Document Creation
GDPR Compliance documentation is generated with in few seconds as soons as you enter your company information and make the settings, that too without any intervention.

This feature provides a convenient and efficient way to generate GDPR Compliance documentation quickly, so companies can save time and effort ensuring their company is compliant.
Customizable Brand Consistent Documentation
The generated pdf documents meant for Data Protection Authrotiy or Data Subjects carries the logo and other company information.

With our brand consistent documentation feature, businesses can present a professional and unified look to Data Protection Authorities and Data Subjects, increasing their trust in the company.
Mailing Lists compilation
The Mailing list feature helps you select the names and addresses of people to whom you want to send promotional materials, information, or other material, thus avoiding the hefty fines that can come from inadvertent actions.

With the Mailing list feature, a prospective customer can easily and quickly select the exact people they want to send promotional materials, information, or other material to, without having to worry about the hefty fines associated with incorrectly sending such materials. This saves time and money, and ensures the customer is always compliant with GDPR regulations.
Records of Processing Activities (ROPA)
ROPA are the documents that list the different activities that are carried out when processing personal data. It includes information such as the purpose of the processing, the categories of personal data being processed, the categories of data subjects, the duration of the processing, and any third-party recipients of the data. Records of Processing Activities(ROPA) are required by the GDPR, and must be kept up to date and accurate.

The Tick GDPR Compliance Solution provides a simple and effective way to keep Records of Processing Activities (ROPA) up to date and accurate. By ensuring that your organization's activities are compliant with the GDPR, you can rest assured that your customer's personal data is safe, secure, and properly managed.
Access Request Management
Data Subject Access Request Management under GDPR refers to the process of handling and responding to individual's requests to access their personal data.

The benefit lies in enhancing transparency, compliance, and trust while safeguarding individuals' data rights.
Consent Management
Consent Management under GDPR involves obtaining, tracking, and managing individuals' clear and informed consent for processing their personal data, ensuring compliance;

It benefits organizations by fostering transparency, building trust with data subjects, and mitigating legal risks.
GDPR Complaints Management
Complaints management allows for the tracking of GDPR data subject complaints from creation to resolution. Additionally, past records are stored for easy reference if needed.

A prospective customer can benefit from this feature by being able to easily manage their own consent preferences, ensuring that they can keep their data secure and private while using your website. This will also help to provide peace of mind to the customer, knowing that their data is being managed in a responsible way.
Processors Management
You need this feature when you receive data from external entities that processes data from data subjects. You must manage the processors and associated contract documents.

With Tick GDPR Compliance Solution, you can ensure that all of your contracts with external data processors are up-to-date, compliant, and secure. This will give you peace of mind that your data is being handled in accordance with GDPR regulations, allowing you to confidently and securely process data from data subjects.
Company Department Structures
It can be difficult for companies with multiple departments to analyze their data in terms of Data Subject Categories, Processing Purposes, Data Types (Personal and Sensitive Data Types), Data Collection Sources, Processing Locations, Data Transfer Methods, Data Permissions, and Data Sharing.

Utilizing graphical data mapping can make it easier to understand and analyze the processings, thus helping to implement the necessary technical and organizational measures.
Data Breach Management
The feature helps you in - analyzing the personal data incidents, assessing the associated risks, reporting the incidents to the appropriate Data Protection Authorities and Data Subjects, storing the Data Breach history at very stage.

A prospective customer of Tick GDPR Complaince Solution will benefit from the comprehensive solution which helps them to comply with GDPR regulations in an efficient way by automating the process of analyzing, assessing, reporting and storing data breach incidents. This will help them to save time and resources used in managing the GDPR compliance process.
Data Protection Impact Assessment
A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a process created to recognise potential risks associated with processing personal data, and to reduce those risks as soon and as effectively as possible. DPIAs are beneficial for lessening danger and proving GDPR compliance. The feature allows you to execute this DPIA process.

The benefit of using the Tick GDPR Complaince Solution's Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) feature is that it provides a proactive approach to GDPR compliance, helping to reduce risks associated with processing personal data, and demonstrating compliance to regulators. This will give customers peace of mind that their data is being handled securely and responsibly.
The History feature maintains the changes made to the records in the chronological order - Access Requests, Consents, Data Breach Incidents, DPIAs etc. This is an important requirement of GDPR. It should be noted that - According to the GDPR, organizations are required to maintain a complete record of all changes made to personal data, including the date and time of the changes. Additionally, organizations must also have procedures in place to ensure that any changes to personal data are tracked and recorded. This feature only keeps track of data items that fall within its purview.

It can help you keep track of changes made to personal data and ensure that your organization adheres to the GDPR regulations. This will help them avoid any potential fines or penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, it will also help them provide better customer service, as they can quickly view changes made to customer records and ensure that the customer receives the best possible service.
Email Support
Email support will be provided for first 3 months on all features of the tool.

This feature gives the customer peace of mind that they will have expert support for the first 3 months of using the GDPR compliance tool, allowing them to get the most out of the solution and quickly resolve any issues they may have with the tool.
System Setup & Maintenance
Tick GDPR will be responsible for system setup and maintenance.

It provides a secure database, with encryption, regular backups, and access control. It includes a GDPR-compliant policy management system, to help you manage your data processing activities and track audit trails. The solution also enables you to design and implement data protection processes, such as anonymization and pseudonymization, data retention, and data deletion. Additionally, Tick GDPR provides tools and services to help you manage and monitor the GDPR compliance of your applications and services.