Compliance Solution

Tick GDPR Compliance Software equips you with a all-in-one digital tool that helps you realize your compliance plan with ease. The solution has been crafted with the thought that-
The solution is designed with the idea that relishing an omelette should be as simple as cracking an egg, without embarking on the complex journey of establishing and sustaining an entire chicken farm.

Features & Benefits

A product's features are the aspects that make it different from other products and help it stand out in the market. - Unknown The Tick GDPR solution is equipped with the following features:
  • Web portal that bring forth the benefits - Improved Communication, Reduced Missing Targets, Managed Policies, Reduced Operational & Printing Costs
  • Process Maps

Compliance Solution

Tick GDPR Compliance Software equips you with a all-in-one digital tool that helps you realize your compliance plan with ease. The solution has been devised around the approach:

The solution is designed with the idea that relishing an omelette should be as simple as cracking an egg, without embarking on the complex journey of establishing and sustaining an entire chicken farm.

The solution helps you develop a GDPR compliance program that protects your business from penalties and is backed with features to help you manage compliance with ease. It has been around four years since the GDPR came into effect for organizations handling the personal data of EU citizens; The legislation introduces far-reaching changes in the way personal data can be collected, processed, stored and deleted from individuals. In addition, the penalties for violations are significantly increased - 20 million euros or four percent of global sales.

The solution does all that is required for your organization to be GDPR compliant. It helps the management and the DPO have complete oversight over the compliance acitivities. Further, the solution clearly underlines the significance of data protection in the people, process, technology triangle. The GDPR solution implements the usage of Data Maps in pictorial representation of data from various aspects. The compliance further emphasizes the recording and archiving of the Processing Activities of the organization. The solution facilitates the communication with data subjects, data protection authorities and the data controller. The solution takes care of the compliance activities such that compliance is NOT an end itself but it is means to a couple of ends - first the data protection, and secondly keeping the customer's trust in your organizartion in data handling.

Features & Benefits

" A product's features are the aspects that make it different from other products and help it stand out in the market. " - Unknown
The Tick GDPR solution is equipped with the following features:
  • Web portal that bring forth the benefits - Improved Communication, Reduced Missing Targets, Managed Policies, Reduced Operational & Printing Costs
  • Process Maps
  • Customized Solution
  • Dashboard
  • Brand Consistent Documentation

Improved Communication, Managed Processes & Data, Reduced Operational & Printing Costs

Following are some of the instances that substantiates the above:
  • The policies are created automatically without user involvement. Further, one can fine tune the policies if the need is there.
  • Each Data Protection policy is preceded by background of the policy in question. The background highlights the basics of the policy, also underlines the significance of the policy. It is believed that skilled employees follow the data protection policies religiously.
  • The solution comprehensibly defines the roles of people in the policies with respect to data protection.
  • In a use case where an individual wants to know the data that is processed by the data controller she or he can access the data on his own. Also the data subject can update the consents on their own.
  • The notifications for Data Protection Authority & Data Subjects are prepared with just a couple of clicks. The prepared notifications can be sent from the application with just a click.
  • The Tick GDPR Software Solution keeps track of Data Breaches and Data Protection Impact Assessments at all stages(from Reporting to Resolution).

Improved Supervision of GDPR activities, Reduced missed targets

  • Solution provides the compliance consultant, Data Protection Officer, Management with information to supervise GDPR activities
  • It facilitates and archives communication with Data Subjects, DPO, Data Protection Authority

Data Mapping

Data Maps are visual representation of personal data used by the organization. The data map can be used to analyse and understand:
  • What personal data is used
  • What processing purpose is associated with which data type. This helps implement the important tenet of GDPR - we should only get that data which we need for our processing.
  • What data transfer methods are used by the organization
  • What data need consent from the data subjects
  • What sources data is collected from
  • What data we share with third parties
  • How do we obtain data from Data Subjects