GDPR | Self Assessment

You are here : Understand your starting point before embarking on the GDPR compliance journey.

Checklist for GDPR Compliance

Data Mapping and Inventory

  • Have you identified all the personal data you collect and process?
  • Have you documented the purposes for processing each type of personal data?
  • Do you know where this data is stored and how it's transferred?

Assessment: Review your data inventory and documentation to ensure it covers all personal data your organization collects and processes.
Degree of Adherence: Assign a rating (e.g., high, medium, low) based on the completeness and accuracy of your data mapping.
Meer weten: Please read the following posts for further insights on the subject.

Legal Basis for Processing

  • Do you have a legitimate legal basis for processing personal data (e.g., consent, contract, legitimate interest)?
  • Are you able to demonstrate the lawful basis for processing when required?

Assessment: Analyze the legal bases you rely on for data processing (e.g., consent, contract, legitimate interest) and ensure they align with GDPR requirements.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence by evaluating whether your legal bases are well-documented and compliant.


  • Do you obtain clear and informed consent from individuals when required?
  • Can individuals easily withdraw their consent?

Assessment: Review your consent processes to verify that you obtain clear and informed consent for data processing.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the effectiveness of your consent collection methods and documentation.

Data Subject Rights

  • Can individuals exercise their rights, such as access, rectification, and deletion of their data?
  • Do you have processes in place to respond to data subject requests within GDPR-mandated timeframes?

Assessment: Evaluate your procedures for handling data subject requests, such as access, rectification, and deletion.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence by assessing the efficiency and accuracy of your response processes.

Data Security

  • Have you implemented appropriate security measures to protect personal data from breaches?
  • Is data encryption in place, especially for sensitive data?

Assessment: Conduct a security audit to identify vulnerabilities and ensure data protection measures are in place (e.g., encryption, access controls).
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the strength of your security practices and any identified weaknesses.

Data Minimization

  • Do you collect only the data necessary for the intended purpose?
  • Are you periodically reviewing and deleting unnecessary data?

Assessment: Review data collection practices to confirm that you only collect necessary data for each purpose.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the extent to which you minimize data collection.

Data Breach Response

  • Do you have a data breach response plan in case of a security incident?
  • Are you prepared to notify authorities and affected individuals as required by GDPR?

Assessment: Examine your data breach response plan and simulate scenarios to assess preparedness.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence by evaluating the effectiveness and readiness of your response plan.

Third-Party Processors

  • Have you reviewed and signed data processing agreements with third-party service providers who process personal data on your behalf?
  • Are these third parties GDPR-compliant?

Assessment: Review contracts and agreements with third-party processors to ensure GDPR compliance.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the completeness of contracts and the compliance of third parties.

Privacy by Design

  • Have you implemented privacy by design principles in your products and services?
  • Do you consider data protection at the early stages of any new projects or processes?

Assessment: Evaluate the extent to which you integrate privacy by design principles into your projects and systems.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence by assessing how consistently privacy is considered in your development processes.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

  • Have you appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) if required by GDPR?
  • Is the DPO knowledgeable about data protection laws and your business operations?

Assessment: Ensure that you have a designated DPO if required and evaluate their knowledge and effectiveness.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the presence and proficiency of your DPO.

Overzicht van verwerkingsactiviteiten

  • Do you maintain records of your data processing activities as required by GDPR Article 30?
  • Are these records up to date and easily accessible?

Assessment: Review your records to confirm they are up to date and contain all required information.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence by assessing the completeness and accuracy of your records.

International Data Transfers

  • If you transfer data outside the European Economic Area (EEA), do you have adequate safeguards in place (e.g., Standard Contractual Clauses, Privacy Shield)?
  • Have you documented these data transfer mechanisms?

Assessment: Analyze data transfer mechanisms (e.g., Standard Contractual Clauses) to confirm compliance.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the adequacy of your data transfer safeguards.

Employee Training and Awareness

  • Have your employees received training on GDPR compliance and data protection?
  • Do they understand their role in safeguarding personal data?

Assessment: Evaluate employee training programs and awareness campaigns.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the effectiveness of your training and awareness efforts.

Privacy Notices and Transparency

  • Do you provide clear and easily accessible privacy notices to individuals about how their data is processed?
  • Do these notices include information about their rights and how to contact your organization?

Assessment: Review your privacy notices and transparency practices.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the clarity and completeness of your privacy notices.

Regular Audits and Updates

  • Do you conduct regular audits and assessments of your GDPR compliance?
  • Do you update your processes and documentation as needed to stay compliant with changing regulations?

Assessment: Conduct regular audits of your GDPR compliance efforts.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the frequency and effectiveness of your audits.

Contracts and Agreements

  • Do your contracts and agreements with customers, suppliers, and partners include GDPR-compliant data protection clauses?

Assessment: Examine contracts and agreements with partners to ensure GDPR compliance.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the presence of GDPR-compliant clauses.

DPIAs (Data Protection Impact Assessments)

  • Have you conducted DPIAs for high-risk processing activities?
  • Have you documented and mitigated the risks identified in DPIAs?

Assessment: Review high-risk processing activities to confirm that DPIAs are conducted.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the thoroughness of DPIAs and risk mitigation.

Data Retention and Disposal:

  • Do you have clear data retention policies and procedures in place?
  • Do you securely dispose of data when it is no longer needed?

Assessment: Review data retention policies and procedures.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the clarity and implementation of data retention practices.

Regular Data Protection Reviews

  • Do you regularly review and update your data protection policies and practices to ensure compliance and effectiveness?

Assessment: Evaluate ongoing data protection practices.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the consistency and effectiveness of your data protection efforts.


  • Is your GDPR documentation (e.g., policies, procedures, consent records) up to date and readily available for audits and inspections?

Assessment: Ensure that GDPR documentation is up to date and readily accessible.
Degree of Adherence: Rate your adherence based on the completeness and accessibility of your documentation.